Chocolate Velvet Cake Flavours


Rich Muddy Mud Cake

Our most popular chocolate cake, moist & rich, covered with Chocolate Velvet icing

Devil's Chocolate Cake

A moist chocolate cake layered with Chocolate Velvet icing, then covered with glossy ganache icing. A fabulous cake for all ages!

Red Velvet Cake

Moist, creamy cake made with buttermilk, a touch of cocoa and good quality red food colour to achieve the red shade this cake is famous for.  Layered and covered with velvety cream cheese icing

 Carrot Cake

Spicy carrot cake layered & covered with velvety cream cheese icing (Contains Walnuts) 

Banana Cake

A moist banana cake layered & covered with Chocolate Velvet icing

Lemon Madeira Cake

Moist lemon cake layered and covered with cream cheese icing

Chocolate Torte

Moist, light textured chocolate cake, layered twice and covered with Chocolate Velvet icing

Chocolate Raspberry Torte

Moist chocolate cake, layered twice with raspberries and Chocolate Velvet icing, then covered with Chocolate Velvet icing


Gluten Free Chocolate Cake

A moist chocolate cake made with ground almond, layered & covered with Chocolate Velvet icing

Gluten Free Carrot Cake

Our delicious carrot cake as a gluten free option.  Layered and covered with velvety cream cheese icing (contains ground almond and wanuts)






"Just wanted to say a huge thank you to all involved in making my beautiful wedding cake.  My family and friends as well as ourselves were overwhelmed.  We were extremely pleased with your top service.  Thank  you for helping make my wedding day a memorable one, I will never forget it."

Mel & Jas

Contact Us

435 Nayland Road Stoke, Nelson Phone: 03 538 0515

Open 7am-4pm Monday to Friday, Saturday , Sunday Closed

Or by email

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